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Discount Steel Office

Custom Sound Silencer P.E.P.P. Installation for phone sales employees

By: Ted Weidman

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a friend about work.  He was explaining some changes that were going on in his office.  Mark works at a company that sells steel and other metals.  Most of his day is spent talking to customers, taking orders, and answering questions.  Over the past couple of years, he has shared an office with his brother, but due to some restructuring, he will be sharing the office with another employee who’s voice carries more than his brothers did.

He asked me what he could do to absorb some of the reverberations in the shared office to help him understand his customers more clearly.  He told me that due to the move, it was a perfect time to explore some options of installing a desk divider and putting some wall panels in the office.  We began discussing some solutions.

After looking at a few panel options, we decided to go with the Charcoal colored Sound Silencer panels in the 2” thickness because of the fact that they not only absorb sound but block it’s transmission, because they are tackable (which is a benefit for a desk surround), and because of their aesthetic.

It was decided that due to the business that Mark is in, that I would provide the panels, and he would fabricate a custom stainless edge treatment that would not only hold the panels in place, but also showcase the company’s fabrication ability.

After the panels were installed, Mark sent me a few photos of the office.  Both he and his co-worker are very impressed with the absorptive qualities of the panels and state that the panels seem to “suck up the sound” around the office.  They both report a much lower sound energy level in the small office which makes it easier for them to concentrate on their conversations with the customers.

If you have any questions about this installation, or any like it, please feel free to contact me directly.

Ted Weidman

Acoustical Surfaces, Inc.

800.448.0121 (ext. 25)